- Physical growth is significantly less than that of his/her peers
- Usually refers to growth below the 3rd or 5th percentile or a change in growth that has crossed two major growth percentile(i.e., from above the 75th percentile to below the 25th )in a short time.
FTT Criteria
- Height/Weight less than 3rd to 5th percentile for age on >1 occasion
- Height or Weight falling 2 major percentiles
- < 80% of ideal body Weight for age
- Head circumference important, but not part of FTT entity
It occurs because of
- Failure of the parent to offer an adequate amount of calories
- Failure of the child to take sufficient amount of calories
- Failure of the child to retain sufficient calories
- It may be due to different organic diseases
- Or it is caused by psychosocial (nonorganic) causes
A. Inorganic causes
Prenatal factors
- Malnourished mothers
- Teenage pregnancies
- Unwanted pregnancies
- Maternal eating disorders(eg, anorexia, bulimia)
- multiple gestations
Postnatal factors
- Poor feeding or feeding-skills disorder
- Difficult parent-child interactions
- Lack of support (eg, no friends, no extended family)
- Lack of preparation for parenting
- Family dysfunction (eg, divorce, spouse abuse, chaotic family style)
- Child neglect
- Emotional deprivation syndrome
- Feeding disorders (eg, anorexia, bulimia)
B. Organic causes
Prenatal causes
- Prematurity with complications
- Toxic exposure in utero (Alcohol, smoking, medications, infections
- Chromosomal abnormalities
Postnatal causes
Inadequate intake
- Lack of appetite (eg, iron deficiency anemia, CNS pathology, chronic infection)
- Inability to suck or swallow: cleft palate, Pierre Robin Syndrome, Neuromuscular incoordination, cerebral palsy, brain stem tumor
- Vomiting (eg, CNS, metabolic, obstruction, renal)
- Dysphagia eg. gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis
Poor absorption and/or use of nutrients
- GI disorder (eg, celiac disease, chronic diarrhea, protein-losing enteropathy, Short gut syndrome)
- Renal: renal failure, renal tubular acidosis
- Endocrine: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, growth hormone deficiency
- Inborn error of metabolism
- Chronic infection (eg, HIV, tuberculosis, parasites)
Increased metabolic demand
- Hyperthyroidism
- Chronic disease (eg, heart failure, BPD)
- Chronic inflammatory conditions (eg, inflammatory bowel disease,
lupus erythematosus) - Renal failure
- Malignancy
- Age- help to determine the cause – perinatal infections, inborn errors of metabolism, cystic fibrosis
- Sex- females are more vulnerable due to social factors
- Occupation of the parents
- Presenting complaints ranges simply from not gaining weight to global developmental delay or features of some organic diseases.
- History to rule out organic causes
- – unable to swallow, diarrhea, vomiting, fatty stools, food refusals ( GI problems)
- – urine color, frequency, output, ( urinary problem)
- – breathing difficulties, fever, recurrent pneumonia (respiratory/cardiac problems)
- -Persistent fever, weight loss ( chronic infection)
Past Medical History
Events during pregnancy
- weight gain during pregnancy
- Gravida, Parity, Abortions
- infectious diseases the mother had during pregnancy
- whether she smoked cigarettes or used drugs or alcohol.
Birth and early neonatal history
- Hospital/home delivery
- Mode of delivery and complications, if any
- APGAR scores
- Gestational age
- Small for gestational age
- Perinatal infection to mother
- Neonatal course & complications, including sepsis,jaundice, feeding intolerance, or feeding difficulties
History of breastfeeding
- infrequent or brief feedings
- nipple problems, inadequate milk secretion and poor sucking.
- maternal ingestion of a milk suppressant (e.g., alcohol)
The feeding history
-Frequency of feeding
-An error in the preparation of formula or improper feeding technique.
-Timing of weaning
-Quality and the quantity of the food
-Food refusal by the child
Immunization history
History of developmental milestones
Psychosocial history
- marital stress, divorce
- Unemployment and financial difficulties,
- parental absences,
- social isolation and substance abuse,
- degree of interest and concern the parents have for the child, amount of time they spend
- Whether the child was planned or “wanted”
Family history
-Similar problem in siblings
-History of consanguinity
-Weight and height of the child’s parents, grandparents – give clues about the presence of genetic, chromosomal or metabolic disorders.
-Education level of parents
-Contact history with tuberculosis
-Mental illness in the family
Physical examination
- General appearance -dull vacant stare
- poor hygiene
- passive or irritable infant
- Vital signs are important
- Blood pressure
- Pulse rate
- Temperature
- Respiration rate
- Oxygen saturation
- Anthropometric measurements (all below 3rd percentiles or cross 2 growth percentiles)
head circumference
- Developmental assessments
- Delay in the development of gross motor function as a result of neuromuscular weakness.
- Expressive language development and social skills – may be delayed in children with nonorganic failure to thrive
- failure to thrive in infancy is associated with adverse intellectual outcomes sufficiently large to be of importance at a population level. (J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2004 Mar;45(3):641-54)
- Undress the baby and head to toe examination
-Skin rashes and hair changes, pallor, signs of vitamin deficiencies
-Head -small and abnormal shape, dysmorphic face, cleft palate, cleft lip, low set ear, protruding tongue
-Chest-abnormal shape, abnormal Breath sounds, Cardiac examination for murmurs or cardiomegaly or arrhythmias
-Protruding abdomen, organomegaly masses
-Wasted buttocks
-Thin limbs or edematous
Laboratory work up
- complete blood count (screens for anemia or low blood counts),
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate(which can be elevated with inflammation or infections),
- urinalysis and urine culture (can show evidence of a renal tubular acidosis or chronic renal disease or infections),
- blood chemistry tests (renal function tests, liver function tests, mineral levels (calcium, magnesium, lead),
- stool tests for fat, culture, and parasites,
- sweat chloride test (for cystic fibrosis),
- HIV test,
- Mantoux test (for tuberculosis)
- serum glucose to look for diabetes,
- thyroid function tests,
- blood and urine tests to look for metabolic problems, and
- upper or lower gastrointestinal endoscopy for persistent vomiting and/or chronic diarrhea
- Radiological studies as indicated chest X-ray, other x-rays to see bone age, occult trauma due to child abuse, CT scanning head to look for micro/macrocephaly, brain atrophy, congenital malformations
- Metabolic and endocrinological screenings
- Identification of the underlying cause & its correction
- Nutrition intervention or feeding behavior modification
- High-calorie diet for catch up growth
- Education to Parents or caregiver
Recommendations for Energy Intake
Age | Energy (kcal per kg per day) guidelines for average replacement |
10 days to one month | 120 |
One to two months | 115 |
Two to three months | 105 |
Three to six months | 95 |
Six months to five years | 90 |
Adapted with permission from Hay WW.
Current pediatric diagnosis and treatment. 15th ed. Norwalk, Conn.: Appleton & Lange, 2001:250.
- Close follow up with growth monitoring
- If a cause is not apparent after a thorough history, physical examination & preliminary lab. evaluation then hospitalization may help identify inadequate calorie intake or psychosocial problems.
Indications for hospitalization
- weight below birth weight at 6 Wks
- very young infant
- failure of out-patient therapy
- work-up needed for organic causes
- unsafe home
Summary: G.R.O.W.T.H.
- Gather history and extensive physical examination
- Remember genetic contribution
- Only order basic labs in the initial evaluation
- Wonder about zebras
- Track growth trends
- Hospitalize if required