Epigastric region
- Structures-liver and subphrenic abscess, stomach, duodenum, transverse colon, omentum, pancreas, abdominal aorta, LN.
- Congenital Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- Gastric torsion
- Pseudo pancreatic cyst, pancreatic abscess
- Hepatomegaly
- Gastroparesis
- Intussusception
- Duplication of stomach/duodenum
Right Hypochondrium
- Structures– liver, gallbladder, subphrenic space, hepatic flexure of the colon, rt. Kidney and suprarenal glands.
- Hepatomegaly
- Choledochal cyst
- Subphrenic abscesses
- Kidney swelling
Causes of Hepatomegaly
- Viral– congenital rubella, CMV, hepatitis infection, infectious mononucleosis, viral infection, HIV
- Bacterial– septicaemia, tuberculosis, congenital syphilis, pyogenic liver abscess.
- Parasitic infections- hydatid cyst, toxoplasmosis, amoebic liver abscess, malaria & kala-azar.
Hematological/ Reticuloendothelial
- Thalassemia, sickle cell disease, ALL, AML, CML.
- Non- Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin disease.
- CCF, constrictive pericarditis, Pericardial effusion, Budd Chiari syndrome, the venous-occlusive disease of the liver.
- Histiocytosis
- sarcoidosis
- Sphingolipidoses – Gaucher disease, Niemann-Pick disease
- Mucolipidoses, Mucopolysaccharidosis
- GSD (type 1,3,4,6), Galactosemia
- Tyrosinaemia type I, UreaCycle enzyme disorders.
- Wilson disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Alpha- 1- antitrypsin deficiency
- Hyperlipoproteinemias
Connective tissue disorder
- Systemic JRA, SLE
- Primary hepatic neoplasms: hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma
- Vascular tumors in the liver
- Secondary deposits: neuroblastoma, Wilm’s tumor, gonadal tumors.
Hepatic hematoma
Tetracycline toxicity
Left Hypochondrium
- Structures– spleen, stomach, left lobe of the liver, splenic flexure of the colon, the tail of the pancreas, lt kidney and suprarenal gland.
- Splenomegaly
- Enlarged Kidney
Cause of splenomegaly
- Infection
- Viral – infectious mononucleosis, CMV, HIV
- Bacterial – Subacute bacterial endocarditis, typhoid, septicemia, tuberculosis, brucellosis
- Protozoal infection – malaria, kala-azar, toxoplasmosis.
- Hematological
- Chronic hemolytic anemias
- Connective tissue disease
- Systemic JRA, SLE, Felty’s synd, Behcet’s disease, Sjogren’s syndrome
- Portal hypertension
- Extrahepatic- postneonatal umbilical vessel catheterization or sepsis, Budd- Chiari syndrome
- Hepatic- cirrhosis (post viral, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson’s disease, other metabolic causes)
- Sarcoidosis
- Hypereosinophilic syndrome
- Malignancy
- Leukaemia, Lymphoma
- Storage diseases
- Gaucher’s, Niemann- Pick disease
- Splenic cyst, tumor, abscess or hamartoma
- Injury – Splenic Hematoma
Right/Left Lumbar region
- Structures- kidney, ascending & descending colon.
Unilateral flank mass
- Tumor
Renal- Wilms tumor, renal cell carcinoma, Congenital mesoblastic nephroma.
Non renal- Neuroblastoma, Adrenal cell carcinoma, Pheochromocytoma
- Hydronephrosis
- Hypertrophied solitary kidney.
- Renal cyst.
- Renal vein thrombosis.
- Perinephric abscess
Bilateral flank mass
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Hydronephrosis- PUV, VUR, neurogenic bladder, phimosis, meatal stenosis, urethral stone.
- Tumor- Wilms, leukemia, lymphoma, tuberous sclerosis.
- Metabolic – GSD type 1, Tyrosinemia type 1
Umbilical region
- Intussusception
- Volvulus
- Duplication of the small intestine
- Mesenteric/Omental cyst
- Matted coils of intestines with tuberculous mesenteric lymphadenitis
- Lymphoma, Teratoma
- Toxic megacolon
Right iliac fossa
- Structures– appendix, caecum, terminal ileum, LN, tubes & ovary.
- Appendicular mass, abscess, tumor
- Hyperplastic ileocaecal TB
- Impaction of roundworms in the ileum, rarely trichobezoar.
- Iliac abscess, iliopsoas abscess
- Tubo-ovarian mass, Dermoid, Torsion of the ovary, Follicular cyst.
- Unascended kidney
- Undescended testis
Left iliac fossa
- Structures – sigmoid colon, tubes & Ovary
- Feces – constipation
- Structures– urinary bladder, sigmoid colon, uterus, and its appendages.
- Distended urinary bladder
- Gravid uterus
- Pelvic abscess
- lumps in parietal wall
- Umbilical, epigastric, inguinal, femoral hernia
- Umbilical granuloma
- Congenital polyp or adenoma arising from patent vitelline duct.
- Omphalocele/,Gastroschisis
- Trauma (rectus hematoma)
- Cysts (sebaceous cyst)
- Tumor (fibroma, lipoma, rhabdomyosarcoma)
- Urachal cyst in hypogastrium
- Parietal wall abscess
- With all abdominal masses, an assessment of the child’s age and clinical state is important in determining the diagnosis.
Abdominal masses in the newborn:
- Renal masses (55%): hydronephrosis, multicystic dysplastic kidney, polycystic kidney, Mesoblastic nephroma/Wilm’s tumor, renal vein thrombosis, renal ectopia
- Genital masses (15%): hydrometrocolpos, ovarian cyst
- GI masses (15%): duplications, obstruction, mesenteric/omental cyst, splenic hematoma/cyst, meconium peritonitis
- Hepatobiliary (5%): liver cyst, liver tumor, choledochal cyst, hydrops of gall bladder, neuroblastoma (metastasis)
- Retroperitoneal masses (5%): lymphangioma, extra-adrenal neuroblastoma, anterior meningocele, teratoma, rhabdomyosarcoma
- Adrenal masses (5%): neuroblastoma, adrenal hemorrhage
- Age – intussusception
- Sex – for X- linked diseases
- Residence – Malaria, Kala-azar
- Duration – recent or chronic
- Fever – hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, TB, malaria, kala-azar
- Vomiting – hepatitis, Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, meconium peritonitis
- Jaundice – EHBA, hepatitis
- Increasing pallor – chronic hemolytic anemia, malignancy
- Abdominal pain – sickle cell anemia
- Rashes – SLE, systemic onset JRA
- Seizure – Inborn error of metabolism
- Shortness of breath – CCF
- H/o recent weight loss – Malignancy
- H/o failure to thrive – Chronic liver/kidney disease
- Swelling of abdomen/body – cirrhosis, CCF
- Bony tenderness- leukemia
- Frequency and quality of bowel habit: red currant jelly-intussusception, whitish stool – EHBA
- Hematuria or dysuria – renal disease
- Retention of urine with H/O straining – PUV
- H/O abdominal trauma – hematoma, pseudopancreatic cyst
- H/O mental retardation – galactosemia
- Past history – jaundice
- H/O frequent chest infection – Cystic fibrosis, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, GSD 2.
- H/o blood transfusion in past – hemolytic disease, hepatitis B, C
- Contact history – Tuberculosis
- H/O similar problem in siblings – storage diseases
- H/o consanguinity – Thalassemia
- Drug history – drug-induced hepatitis
Physical Examination
- Vitals – temp, blood pressure
- Anthropometry
- Microcephaly- rubella
- Macrocephaly with hydrocephalus – toxoplasmosis
- Icterus- liver diseases, hemolytic anemia
- Pallor – Hemolytic anemia, leukemia
- Clubbing- Crohn’s disease, SBE
- Lymphadenopathy- TB, HIV, CMV infection Infectious mononucleosis, Leukemias, lymphomas
- Pedal edema- CCF, Chronic liver diseases, liver failure.
- JVP – raised in CCF, pericardial effusion, constrictive pericarditis.
- Peripheral stigmata of CLD – bruising, spider naevi
- Facial characteristic
- Thalassemic face
- Cushingoid face (adrenal tumor, during Rx of nephrotic),
- Coarse face ( Mucopolysaccharidosis, Hypothyroidism)
- Mouth
- Palatal petechiae, Gum bleeding
- Oral ulcers
- Eye
- Xanthelasma – hyperlipoproteinemias
- Aniridia- Wilm’s tumor
- proptosis –neuroblastoma
- Kayser- Fleischer ring in cornea- Wilson’s disease
- Xerosis – Sjogren’s syndrome
- Corneal clouding- MPS IH & IS
- Cataract –Galactosaemia, toxoplasmosis, CMV, Rubella infections
- Uveitis- Pauciarticular JRA, TB, Sarcoidosis, Behcet’s disease
- Chorioretinitis – CMV, Toxoplasmosis
- Cherry red spot- Niemann-pick disease
- Macroglossia – Mucopolysaccharidoses, Hypothyroidism
- Deafness- TORCH
- Skin rashes, petechiae – leukemias
- Joint swelling/ arthritis – SLE, JRA, Behcet’s disease, Sjogren’s syndrome
- Skeletal changes of rickets- tyrosinosis, cystinosis
- Bony tenderness in leukemias
- Evidence of congenital heart disease – TORCH infection
- Hepatomegaly, tachypnoea, tachycardia, raised JVP, mild icterus in CCF, Pericardial diseases.
- For signs of infection- Cystic fibrosis, alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency presents with frequent infections.
- Pigeon chest- tyrosinosis
- Alertness – TORCH, Hypothyroidism
- Choreoathetosis movements- Wilson
- Pathological persistence of primitive reflexes- TORCH
- Hemihypertrophy
- Wilm’s tumor, hepatoblastoma
Abdominal Examination
- Position, Size & Shape
- The condition of skin over the swelling
- Movement with respiration/ other direction
- Visible peristalsis
- Hernial sites
- Scrotum
- Local Temperature
- Tenderness
- Position, size, shape, and surface
- Margin
- Consistency
- Movement
- Parietal or intraabdominal
- Is the swelling pulsatile or not
- Hernial site and per rectal examination
- Solid organ – dull ( liver, spleen, solid tumor)
- Coils of the intestine- resonant
- Kidney swelling will have a band of resonance unless kidney is very much enlarged.
- Loin percussion just lateral to the lateral border of erector spinae- dull in kidney swellings.
- Shifting dullness
- USG abdomen/ doppler – most useful, the primary imaging modality in the abdominal lump. -Neuroblastoma often contains calcium and encases the major abdominal vessels.
-Wilm’s tumor displaces the central vessels and rarely calcifies. - Abdominal Xray – obstruction, perforation.
- Barium swallow/ enema/ follow through
- Nuclear scintigraphy, CT and MRI are used for malignant or complicated cases
- HIDA scan
- Intravenous urography
- CBC, Peripheral smear, ESR – Infections
- Reticulocyte count, RBC indices G6PD, Sickling, Osmotic fragility test – in susp[icion of hemolytic anemia
- Mantoux test
- Biochemistry – depending on clinical suspicion. RBS, electrolytes, LFT, RFT.
- Serology: Viral markers, HBsAg test, HIV test, TORCH titer.
- Microscopy, culture/sensitivity
- Urinary copper excretion.
- Metabolic screening
- Stool examination: for ova, parasites, occult blood.
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy.
- Tissue biopsy – LN, mass
- Bone marrow biopsy- leukemia, Kala-azar.
- Laparoscopy – direct intraperitoneal visualization and biopsy of tissue, also helpful in the staging of the tumor.
- First, we have to evaluate the clinical state of the patient for management
- Managed according to the cause.